
Monday, October 8, 2012

Junkie Promoter: Alex Goes Hard

Allow for The Junkie Alley to introduce you to this promoter thats been really putting it down in a major way. From the looks of it this dude really been on grind mode! Check him out & get at him for any promo & shows.. 

It all started 4 years ago when ALEXGOESHARD asked a group of girls to meet him and his friends at a local friday night club. after that promoters started seeing alex at the club more often with a large group of people and started wondering how he was pulling those numbers in the club. so they approched him offering him money for every person that walks in the club. since then ALEXGOESHARD has been consistent in the night life/nightclub scene. In february 2012 he hosted over 15 clubs in the  L.A., I.E. and O.C. erea.
ALEXGOESHARD guestlist numbers started to  rapidly increase with time wich caused not just only night club owners but  record labels, clothing companies, producers, artist and radio stations to reach out to him..He is now campaigning for PAID DUES 2013 witch is one of the biggest music festival. since he started this campaign he has been successfull with the numbers of supporters he is also working on his first indepemdant tour wich launches feb 2013 hitting the hottest venues in NYC, ATL, MIAMI and SANDIEGO.. ALEX strongly feels he has taken another route no promoter has ever taken and strongly feels he is promoter of the year!!

ALEXGOESHARD has been consistent in the night life/nightclub scene. In february 2012 he hosted over 15 clubs in the L.A., I.E. and O.C. erea.
ALEXGOESHARD guestlist numbers started to rapidly increase with time wich caused not just only night club owners but record labels, clothing companies, producers, artist and radio stations to reach out to him..when joeytherealoreacervin told alex that he was nominated for promoter of the year by 27junkeesradio station his reply was "all gas no breaks thats all me" ALEXGOESHARD strongly that he should be promoter of the year because the quantity of his guestlist speaks for itself.

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